Opening Hours
Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm


Do I have to be Employed to Train at Partners 4 Training

We offer both Apprenticeship Courses Government Funded ( Employed ) and Private Courses which are Self Funded

How many days a week would I need to attend on an Apprenticeship

For an Apprenticeship you would need attend for One Day per Week .

When are you open?

Our Training Centre is open Monday - Thursday from 09.30 - 4.00 pm.

How will I get to your Training centre in Uckfield?

FREE Transportation to Uckfield Training Centre from selected pick up points included.

Do I get paid while I am at the Training Centre ?

Yes you will be paid by your Employer whilst attending the Centre

How long does it take to Qualify ?

It will take a Minimum of 13 Months to complete your Qualification depending on competency

I’m a mature student, can I still be an apprentice?

Apprenticeships are open to learners of any age